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मेकॉन में मानव संसाधन विकास

HRD Vision:

HRD Objectives:

  • HRD is committed to the value and necessity of employees’ training and development in maintaining a productive human resource.
  • Imparting necessary training and thereby improving the technological knowledge with up-to-date information, technology import and technology synergy to meet the changing needs.
  • Apart from the skill and technology related trainings, providing behavioural and managerial trainings for the development of individuals which is equally important for the organization to excel.
  • Build and refine employee knowledge and skills for effective performance of duties and responsibilities.
  • Organisational development for creating ennobling environments for enabling organizational performance to meet customer’s needs.


Training & Development is the act of changing behaviour and attitude by imparting knowledge and skills. It is an essential part of the strategy of any organization that needs to move forward. It is a way of changing the way a business works and of making sure that all its employees perform to the best of their abilities.

Training programs at MECON are arranged for employees at all levels. Programs for non-executives and executives (for junior, middle and senior management) are organized from time to time in both technical and non-technical areas. These trainings are provided for the initial and continuing development of individuals in executive and managerial positions.

As per the MOU with Ministry of Steel, a target is given every year to MECON in terms of mandays of training. Total HRD strategy is planned for imparting training based on the target in following areas:

  • Technical & Technology Related

  • Soft Skill Related


Induction Training for Management Trainees:


Appropriate induction programs are organized for new entrants after their joining, to acquaint them with the business arena of MECON and to help them imbibe the work culture. In-plant visits are also organized for the Management Trainees to provide an overview of the processes and working in Steel/ Power Plants or Mines as per their educational stream and future job requirements.

Management Development Programmes:

Management Development Programs are conducted for all levels starting from the entry level of Executives. Special Management Development Programs are planned, centrally by Corporate HRD, Ranchi for the selected groups at the time when executives are promoted to DGM level and GM level. These programmes are conducted to empower personnel for higher managerial responsibilities. Separate programmes are planned for Middle, Higher & Top Management. These programmes are organized in and sometimes outside India at the in-house level or in collaboration with reputed management institutes like XLRI, MDI, etc.

Competency Mapping:

Increased manpower costs, need for ensuring that competent people man critical positions, and the need to be competitive and recognition of the strategic advantages of having good human resources have compelled firms to be more competency driven.

Competency mapping is a process through which the skills, abilities and knowledge are being assessed.

We have a well established web-based Competency Mapping System (CMS), developed internally for mapping the competency both in Technical as well as Soft skills for all the regular employees.

The employee is rated by his Section In-charge on the various technical and soft skills applicable to him, by filling up the required as well as the present level of competency of that employee for that particular skill. The difference of the required and present level of competency signifies the competency gap. We have been genuinely successful in linking the Competency gap analyzed by the system with the training needed for an individual.

Vocational Training for Students:

The motive behind conducting Vocational Training in MECON is to give the Vocational trainees, the feel of the practical aspect of what they study and expose them to the Corporate working. We conduct the Vocational training for Graduate/post graduate technical/management students from various technical and management institutions of the country – generally to employees’ ward and in a limited number to outsiders based on employees’ request or direct Institutes’ request. Vocational Training is provided for duration of 2 to 6 weeks. This training is provided in summer, during the period of April to August and in winter, during period of December to January.