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Career Growth @MECON

    An executive of MECON has every opportunity to reach the maximum level of his/ her career growth in the Company. For this, one just needs to work with great zeal and perform at best to contribute in growth of the company at every level reached during his/her journey in MECON.

    • Promotion of executives (Grade E-1 to E-6):

    Executives can climb the promotion ladder every 4-5 years on merit basis with consistently good performance. Promotion list comes out every year based on the decision taken by Management on the recommendations of Departmental Promotion Committees. A special High Potential group (HPG) of executives are recognized every year and awarded with faster promotion to identify future leadership of the organisation. HRD organizes Management Development Program (MDP) on regular basis with competence mapping for effectual outcome on performance of the executives.

    • Promotion of executives (Grade E-7 to E-9):

    It is based on the selection process of MECON, through a high level Departmental Promotion Committee. High level Management Development Program (MDP) is frequently organized by HRD for competent evaluation of performance of the executives. Promotion list comes out every year based on the decision taken by Management on the recommendations of Departmental Promotion Committees.

    • Board level (Grade E-10 & E-11):

    As is done in any Public Sector Company, the Board of Directors as well as the Chairman – cum - Managing Director of MECON is appointed by the Government of India with tenure posting through interviews conducted by “Public Enterprise Selection Board”, Department of Public Enterprises.