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Due date of RFP on Hydrogen based Pilot Projects has been Extended till 12th July, 2024 upto 5.00 PM. For details, please visit Tender Wizard, CPP & MECON Website.

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MECON Limited, a Central Public Sector Organization, recognizes its responsibility to combat bribery and corruption. MECON is committed to maintain honesty, fairness and transparency in its dealings with its stake holders in all fields and at all levels.

MECON Limited has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Transparency International India (TII) for implementation of Integrity Pact (IP), a tool developed by TII, which ensures that all activities and transactions between a Company or Government Department and its counterparties are handled in a fair, transparent and corruption free manner. MoU was signed between MECON and TII on 24.9.2007 for implementation of IP System. MECON was the 7th organization in India to sign MoU with TII. Presently, the threshold value for the purpose of signing of IP is Rs.1.0 crore & above for EPC projects and 25 lacs & above for Town Administration and In-house Procurement.  MECON is entering into IP with counterparties (vendors/suppliers/contractors) having transactions of the threshold value. The draft IP forms part of tender documents, wherever applicable, in downloadable form and all such bidders are required to submit signed IP along with their bids. Till 2015, MECON has signed IP with 404 suppliers/contractors.

There is an Independent External Monitor (IEM) to oversee the process of procurement and transactions where IPs are signed between MECON and counterparties.

  • Frequently Asked Questions on Integrity Pact - FAQ TI can be downloaded here 

MECON Limited, a Central Public Sector Organization, recognizes its responsibility to combat bribery and corruption. MECON is committed to maintain honesty, fairness and transparency in its dealings with its stake holders in all fields and at all levels.